Flink AI Exetended

人工智能-其他 陈戊超

【--请勿在正文留技术主页链接,二次审核不通过将被下架,感谢支持--】 Flink AI Extended Flink AI Extended is a project extending Flink to various machine learning scenarios. Currently it contains the following two subprojects. Flink AI Flow is an open source framework that bridges big data and AI. It manages the entire machine ...

Flink AI Exetended
Flink AI Exetended


人工智能-其他 陈戊超

Deep Learning on Flink aims to integrate Flink and deep learning frameworks (e.g. TensorFlow, PyTorch, etc). It runs the deep learning tasks inside a Flink operator, so that Flink can help establish a distributed environment, manage the resource, read/write the records and handle the failures. Cu...

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