见萌一番赏(小程序) 项目介绍: 本项目主要负责线上商品的抽奖,根据客户的抽奖记录、消费订单累计积分,后期进行商品的兑换,使用微信 开发者平台完成项目的整体搭建。 责任描述: 1.全局app的配置; 2.底部tabbar添加,pages多页面添加,页面跳转(wx.navigateTo)、template来定义模板 实现复用; 3.通过wx.request进行小程序数据交互页面并渲染页面; 4.测试阶段交互url定义在globalData中; 5.使用框架生命周期进行数据正确赋值; 6.通过接口返回参数调用微信小程序支付方法调用支付,通过微信支付回调处理后续操作。...
Gets information of the shots according to the XML file for the film clips, to create shots information in CGTeamwork. 1.In CGTeamwork start nukeStudio. 2.Import XML file. 3.Selected special effect shots needs to be done. 4.Right-click the implementation of Export>Timeline To Excel or Export&...
Gets information of the shots according to the XML file for the film clips, to create shots information in CGTeamwork. 1.In CGTeamwork start nukeStudio. 2.Import XML file. 3.Selected special effect shots needs to be done. 4.Right-click the implementation of Export>Timeline To Excel or Export&...