招开发团队,前端后端,会PHP 和javascript。可以远程工作。英文4级以上。
Looking for developers on a contract basis. One backend developer main language is PHP. Front end developer who’s proficient at javascript.
e-commerce experience is a plus
Languages/Libraries: - Lodash
- jQuery
- Javascript - PHP
Framework/CMS: - Wordpress
- Cloudflare
- WooCommerce
- Stripe
- Inksoft
- Shipstation
- Google Analytics
Merch House is an ecommerce platform running on a Cloudflare server and utilizing a WordPress CMS and PHP framework. The frontend is coded in javascript, javascript libraries, and html/css. The backend is primarily coded in PHP.
We utilize Woocommerce for our order processing and checkout system. It has been heavily customized. We use Stripe for payment processing.
One of our main APIs is Inksoft, which we use for blank product data and the Design Studio which is integrated into a user’s dashboard. More info: https://help.inksoft.com/knowledge/inksoft-api/inksoft-api-2
Our site provides Greek chapters with their own storefront, where they can submit designs from their dashboard. A Merch House Super Admin then uploads product images and fills in product data to create the Product Detail Page, which is published onto a chapter’s storefront. Here is an example: https://merch.house/chapters/texasamsigmachi/
We also have Organization shop pages, which aggregates products from the same parent organization. Here is an example: https://merch.house/organizations/sigma-chi/
In terms of Users, we have three primary roles.
1) Customer - anyone can sign up for a customer account, not associated with a chapter
2) House Admin - this is a higher level account with more permissions, associated with a
chapter. The House Admin can submit new designs using the Inksoft design studio in their dashboard, and view their chapter’s products within their dashboard. They can also view Store Credit and are able to view certain products that are set with House Admin visibility/purchaseability settings.
3) Super Admin - this is a Merch House team member that has access to every part of the site, including the backend wp-admin. A Super Admin can switch from each chapter’s dashboard and can upload/edit products. A Super Admin can also create new chapters, and can invite new House Admin users