Spring Framework | java | restful service | mysql | mongodb |oracle | python |
shell | linux |ansible | devops | ci/cd | saas | Jenkins | docker | rancher |k8s |
prometheus | grafana | aws
Deployment of ALM QC (MicroFocus)
ALM QC is an application life cycle management software, it’s still famous with the software world who
want to do development with agile, it’s an application based on windows platform, it’s old and huge,
developed with .NET and Spring. But the team have made it accessible in web.
ALM QC Center AWS Migration(MicroFocus)
ALM QC is also used internally with hundreds of people, since it’s not stable in local Lab and hard to
upgrade, we decide to move it to AWS. To build the K8s cluster, AWS EC2, RDS, EFS, SES and S3 are
used, the EC2 were consumed in Rancher, therefor a RKE were built in Rancher.
ALM Global Search in AWS (MicroFocus)
ALM Global Search is a single application to host defects data from ALM QC, it’s linked to ALM QC and
based on ElasticSearch, collecting all defects data and provide a function to easily search the history
defects. We used AWS CloudFormation, created a resource
that consist of AWS Comprehend and AWS ElasticSearch Service to do text analysis. By using the AWS
Comprehend sentiment-based text analysis algorithm, we got a magical Kibana dashboard that contains
many valuable graphs that indicates some interesting results, for instance, from the keywords board we
know who is detecting the most defects, which component produced the most defects, who is handling
the most defects, what are the keywords in all defects data and so on, the new global search is not just
Maintenance and Monitoring on Lab Machines(MicroFocus)
Since we are using private cloud IaaS to do CI/CD, the CI/CD Env need to be built with the lab machines,
and the maintenance work is required, for instance, we should monitor the target machines anytime(CPU,
memory, disk space, network, etc.) and send notifications out if there are any exception, and fix the
problems in time.
Run Scrum to deliver values on innovation projects(MicroFocus)
角色 | 职位 |
负责人 | DevOps工程师 |
队员 | 前端工程师 |
队员 | 后端工程师 |
校上行是一个校园约行社交平台 在这里你可以结识全校的任何一位同学,校友通讯录中精细分类学院、专业、年级,让你校内找人从此不再是难事。 留心校友更可以在校友圈了解他的校园新动态。 这是一个校园社交app,前端使用flutter开发,后端使用SSM框架开发,管理
HPE的QC,老牌软件生命周期管理软件,使用.NET 和Java开发的 .exe庞然大物,后来改成了可web访问的服务。 我负责QC的CI和CD,并把QC迁移到了docker,并使用K8s进行编排,成功实现了部署和升级自动化。 后来又把它迁移到了AWS,并使用AWS EKS进