Programming Language: Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C++, Python
Database: MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL
Operating System: Mac OX, Windows, Linux
Others: Postman, Git, Github, react.js, chart.js, Tomcat, Django, MatLab
Tourism Website (旅游信息网站)
1.Designed a tourism website based on node.js as teamleader
2.Created Database using mongoDB to store data of all information about users, attractions, comment, etc.
3.Eliminated XSS attack using xss.js to achieve the goal of website security
4.Implemented customized web view to load HTML using CSS, VUE.js, ajax, middleware and handlebars to improve user experience
(作为领导者开发网站,使用了node.js, mongoDB, CSS, xss.js, VUE.js, ajax, middleware and handlebars开发了稳定可持续使用, 并且避免跨站跨站脚本攻击的安全网站。可在数据很大的情况下稳定运行。)
TV Shows Website(视频网站)
1.Designed a website to search tv shows and render the detail using node.js
2.Maintained a HTTP client to endpoint to load data using axios.js
3.Designed the webpage using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Jquery to realize data transfer and server interaction
(开发了电影电视剧的第三方信息网站,使用了node.js, axios.js, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Jquery开发了稳定可持续使用,极大程度上避免高并发的发生)
Quiz Grading System (测验评分系统)
1. Maintained a web server using Java and Tomcat to collect answers
2. Developed procedures using Java to grade the fill-in-blank questions and
store the answers and grades
3. Worked in a team with professor with autograder, quiz provider and server
(参与开发教授的个人项目, 使用java设计一个稳定的server, 并且使用tomcat进行检验,可以成功的对填空题等客观题进行评分,且分数及学生信息会以txt的格式保存在本地,之后该教授长期使用该系统为本学院的测试评分)
角色 | 职位 |
负责人 | 前端工程师 |
队员 | 后端工程师 |
身为leader, 对商业构想,数据库和设计框架进行设计,使用mongdb这种unrelational 的数据库进行数据库的设计, 使用node.js, react.js,ajax,xss.js 构建了稳定且高复用,避免跨站脚本攻击,对用户自由度极高的网站。进行xss的样式设计,
• Maintained a web server using Java and Tomcat to collect answers • Developed procedures using Java to grade the fill-in-blank questions a