Programming Languages: Python, Java, R, C, C++, C#, Tracery
Web Dev: HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript
Databases: MySQL, SQLite
Data Analytics: Pandas, Numpy, SciKit- Learn, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Weka, Apache Pig, Tensorflow, Tableau
Shell Scripting: Bash
Cloud: AWS
Jun 2019 – Sept 2019 Dublin Bus Website Research Practicum
Project Description:
Team project following the Scrum methodology. The task was to create a website that would show predicted bus times for Dublin Bus routes, based on time, direction, weather, and other features.
Main Responsibilities:
Using JavaScript to develop the front-end
Django for the back-end web page framework.
Django-mobile was used to create the foundations for the mobile version.
Google API was used to implement user login and registration.
JavaScript testing.