As working in NSN/Nokia/NSB, I had taken the roles with SW engineer (3years), Scrum Master (2 years), project manager (3 years), and program release fault manager (2 years). Totally, I have worked with15 years, can adapt to complex environment with work, and make good job. I have the ability of Java and c/c + + program development work, also have good communication with English. I had been to the United States, Finland, and India on the business trip.
[1] (name): Open MGW (WebUI, NetAct, SCLI)
Company: NSN/Nokia/NSB
Department: 3GCore
Developing language: java, jsp, servlet, javaScript, c/c + +
Developing tools: ECLIPSE / Source Insight
I took the role of SW engineer, mainly to implement the feature work with the developing and correct the pronto with OMGW WebUI, NetAct, SCLI.
[2] (Name): On-line ordering system
Company: Amazon
Developing language: Java, JSP, Servlet, SQL server, struts, hibernate, spring, Berkeleydb.
Developing tools: ECLIPSE
Responsibility: I took the role of senior software engineer, participated in online ordering system to do research, design, and development tasks, mainly responsible on research and design for the pictures online ordering system migration, supplier information and sales forecasting systems.
[3] (Name): Comprehensive collection of national tax systems
Company: Digital China (China) Co., Ltd.
Developing language: java, jsp
Developing tools: ECLIPSE
Responsibility: I took the role of SW engineer and took the responsibility for real-time communication of external data exchange platform, using java sockets, IO, multi-threading; design the system's database and DAO packaging according to business request, and the generic EJB interfaces, reconciliation, tax and other services.