用SQL、Power BI、Tableau进行数据分析、数据可视化、数据挖掘以及数据搬运(ETL);
• 根据需求设计dashboard、建立数据库、搬运数据、整合数据、创建报表,并自动化日常操作。
• Design and create KPIs, business metrics and dashboards and schedule refreshments to support business decisions and find root causes of business issues
• Participate in design Business Process to standardize business flow and optimize operation steps of device returns
• Analyze activities performance including billing transactions and non-billing transactions
• Understand business needs, design solution approach and create documents with sequence diagrams to illustrate business operation process and other issues
• Create and optimize SQL queries, views, stored procedures, indexes and table structure and perform error handling to load raw data from different sources into SQL database
• Created SSIS packages with data flow tasks such as Conditional Split, Derived Column, Slowly Changing Dimension and Row Count to maintain historical data in data warehouse
• Develop and deploy SSIS packages to do ETL jobs and schedule the packages in SQL Server Agent
• Create, maintain and analyze ad-hoc and dynamic dashboards on Tableau and deliver Tableau site to fields
• Automate all the processes and design monitoring and ticketing process
• Work with internal and external teams to create documents and templates, and develop solutions to complex business and systems problems
• Create, prioritize and manage the projects on Rally based on Agile method