# 精通HTML、CSS、Javascript,能熟练快速开发符合 W3C 标准的页面。
# 主攻前端和NodeJS开发,3年+前端开发经验。
# 呆过大公司也带过小团队,带领团队利用最新技术解决业务快速发展过程中的各种业务场景问题。
# 熟悉PC、移动端开发,目前主流框架React、Vue均有实战开发经验,有Linux 基础,对Docker容器服务器端开发有一定了解。
# 熟练Git、PS、Nginx等,英文日常听说读写无障碍。
# Strong customer focus, excellent problem solving and analytical skills.
# Proven ability to learn new technologies quickly and apply the gained knowledge to solve business problems.
# Expert knowledge of, and proficiency coding, standards-compliant Javascript 、HTML and CSS.
# Write great code with the main library or framework like React(15)/Vue(2.0)/AngularJs etc.
# Ability to write usable documentation.
# Fluently communication with English.
# Other: Linux/Git/PS/VScode/Docker and k8s (beginner) ...
# Looking for more.
# 负责了Web移动端钱包、转账、个人主页等核心功能模块的开发,重构之前的信息通知功能、页面。
# 由原先的Coffee + ng(1.x)技术栈转移到React框架上,搭建新的开发脚手架。
# 对代码规范进行约定,负责组织团队的Code Review,将组件进行拆分。
Financial web Application
# Built the front end for features such as wallet, transfer, personal dashboards, and refactored code for notifications for a financial web application (www.gomefinance.com.cn)
# Leading the work infrastructure refactored from ng1.x to React.
# Enforced quality standards in code reviews to catch bugs early and encourage refactoring to minimize components.
Knowledge Q&A Website
#Developed new features in JavaScript and React for a question and answer website, it's a Chinese leading web application to share knowledge and better understand for the world.
# Done main works refactored the main pages with ES6 + React + Redux+ webpack etc.
# SEO optimize.
角色 | 职位 |
负责人 | 高级前端开发工程师 |
队员 | 前端工程师 |
队员 | 后端工程师 |